Scam, scam, scam, consumers beware 21 February 2023 Reviewer: Trueone from Georgia
40 of 78 people found this review helpful
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Hud is a BIG SCAM, none of the information they provide is accurate or true, it's misleading and confusing. They advertise that they list current foreclosed homes. This is FALSE. The properties they list are extremely old information, homes that sold more than 12 months prior and have not been re-listed. this is a Scam to trick consumers out of their money. You can get the same information at no cost (FREE) on, Zillow, or Trulia. Many of their listings provide bogus phone numbers that are non-working. Be Careful dealing with this company, you will be disappointed and frustrated if, you rely on their misleading information listed on this website. I will be contacting the GA Consumer Protection Agency to file a report against them. The only good thing is you can cancel within @ least 20 days after purchasing. Be mindful of the cancellation dates.
In summary, I would not recommend HUD Foreclosed to a friend.